July 21st to 28th – Swim Clinic Fundraster

Heyyyyy Guys!

We are soooo excited for this upcoming season (like SO excited) and we have lots more info coming your way soon but for now we are getting started with our first fundraiser of the season!

We will be holding youth swim clinics on July 21st and 28th from 3-6pm. We needed y’alls help as volunteers so we’re attaching a google sheet where you can sign up for any open slots to help out as well as the google form for people to sign up for the actual clinic. The money from this will go to fun stuff like amazing merch and a gorgeous banquet and we can only run these fundraisers if everyone helps out so SIGN UP IF YOU CAN!!! I’m expecting LOTS of names on that sheet 🙂

Also, we’re putting a post with all the info on it on instagram and attaching it here so feel free to send it (as well as the google form to sign up) to people who you think might be interested, ask your parents to share it and repost it to spread the word!


your lovely captains!

Parent and family sign up form